threading services Faqs

What is threading?
Threading is an ancient hair removal technique. It involves using a thin piece of cotton thread and swiping it quickly against the skin to remove hair at the root without taking any skin along.

Which is better: Threading or Waxing?
Threading provides more control for precise shaping. We recommend threading since the technique is natural and doesn’t include any chemicals or side effects. It’s great for people with sensitive skin as waxing is far too aggressive on the delicate eye area. It’s highly recommended if you are taking certain medications that thin out the skin.

Why is the consultation important?
Eyebrows are the most important feature of your face. Our goal is to help you achieve your perfect brows. The consultation helps us find your perfect eyebrow shape. When you have perfect brows, they frame your eyes and are easy to maintain between visits. Communication is the key, especially if it’s your first time getting your eyebrows done. Let us know if you have a specific shape in mind so we can provide feedback and give you your desired brows.

After Threading Suggestions

  • Keep hands away from touching freshly threaded skin since it can encourage irritation or small pimples.

  • Know that a little post-threading redness is normal. It’s a natural reaction and it should subside on it’s own within a few hours. If necessary, apply a cool compress to the area.

  • Don’t put anything on your brows right after the hair removal. Wait at least 2 hours before you apply moisturizers, cleansers or makeup directly to the threaded area to keep bacteria away from open pores.

  • Do stay on top of your touch-ups. You can get re-threaded as soon as the hair grows just above the skin.

  • We recommend no tweezing between appointments. However, if it’s needed, avoid tweezing near your shape.

  • Don’t use a brow razor in between appointments! Using a brow razor can lead to ingrown hairs and stubble and you can run the risk of taking too much hair off.

TINTING services Faqs

Is eyebrow tinting safe?
We use a vegetable-based dye or natural henna on the eyebrows for tinting so it is safe for everyone – even expecting moms! We do recommend a patch test if it’s your first time tinting or if you have very sensitive skin.

Is Lash Life like Lash extensions?

Lash extensions and lash lifts are 2 totally different treatments. We will not be adding any additional lashes to your existing lashes. Lash lift is simply curling your natural lashes and requires very little maintenance in between services.

Am I a good candidate for Lash Lift?

Lash lift MAY NOT be suitable for clients that:

  • Have very little natural eyelashes or have nothing. The gaps between your lashes will be more noticeable.

  • Have pre-existing eye(lid) conditions such as chronic dry eye, blepharitis, conjunctivitis and ocular rosacea

  • Lasik surgery (wait a minimum of 6 months from your procedure)

  • Have Trichotillomania (compulsive pulling or twisting hair, eyebrows and eyelashes)

  • Have very sensitive eyes or possible allergies to adhesive (recommended to book an appointment for a patch test)

  • Who are rough with their lashes

  • Undergoing chemo treatments or have had chemo treatments within the past year (recommend to consult with your physician)

  • Are sensitive or have allergies to dyes (recommended to book an appointment for a patch test)

  • Had blepharoplasty surgery (must wait a minimum of 1 year after your surgery)

Please always consult with your physician if you are pregnant or have any doubts/medical questions to make sure lash lift is safe for you.


Before Waxing Suggestions

  • Regular twice to three times exfoliation per week is helpful to remove dead skin so your hairs can come above the surface of the pores and not become ingrown.

  • Let it grow! Keep that razor away. They can cause the hairs to become very coarse and can make your waxing experience more difficult.

  • Inform us of any medications you may be taking, including Retin-A, Renoova, Accutane, Differin or anitibiotics. If you wax while on one of these medications you could be risking removing your skin as well as hair.

  • Worried about sensitivity? Take an Advil about an hour before your appointment as it can help minimize involuntary yips and yelps.

  • Wear loose cotton undies and clothing for your waxing session. Tight clothing can rub and irritate the sensitive skin.

After Waxing Suggestions

  • Expect the skin to be a little sensitive and red after your first wax. Some experience no redness at all. Others are red for as little as thirty minutes, while those with sensitive skin can feel the effects up to 24 hours post-wax.

  • Keep hands away from touching freshly waxed skin, this can encourage irritation or small pimples.

  • Avoid sun exposure/tanning bed for at least 48 hours as it can burn severely.

  • Avoid swimming pools for 24 hours due to the irritating effects chlorinated water can cause.

  • Do not exfoliate or use loofa for at least 48 hours after waxing as it might cause irritation to the skin.

  • Apply Polysporin or Aleo vera gel to prevent infections or any irritations that might have occurred.

  • If you are heading home right after your appointment, applying ice on the waxed area can help with both discomfort and redness of waxing.

How long should the hair be for waxing?
The hairs must be at least 1/4 inch in length to properly be removed with wax.

Does waxing hurt?
Every person has different pain thresholds & experience waxing differently. Most people find that it becomes easier with regular waxing as the hairs become thinner & sparser. Other things can influence the discomfort of a wax including medications & your menstrual cycle. Our therapist will discuss your concerns at your appointment. We will make your waxing experience as pain free as possible.

How often should I get waxed?
We recommend that clients come in for a wax every 4 and 6 weeks. This varies since everyone has a different growth cycle but we are generally able to wax areas that have been shaved two weeks earlier.


Benefits of Indian Head Massage

  • Provides general relaxation.

  • Improves blood circulation which increases oxygen supply to the brain.

  • Helps stimulate hair growth and gives the hair a healthy shine.

  • Helps treat mental tiredness, stress, depression resulting in greater mental alertness and concentration and clearer thinking.

  • It can also help relieve conditions like eyestrain, migraines, earaches, insomnia, and disturbed sleep.